There must be a better way to do the things we want, a way that doesn't pollute the sky, or the rain or the earth.
Sir Paul McCartney
All our offset projects create environmental and social value.
The positive impact translates into environmental, social and economic sustainability which, through collaboration with local institutions, allows us to create value for the territories by giving back more of what has been taken away.
CO2 emissions are entirely compensated, making events with a positive environmental impact.

Our mission is to make events have a positive environmental impact

Events have always generated significant impacts on the environment, aactivating actions to reduce these impacts and improve the climate footprint is an act of social responsability and we believe it should be a priority for all organizations.
Event Green hasdeveloped with a team of expertsengineers of the Polytechnic of Turin, a softwareowner capable of determining, through an algorithm, the quantity of CO2 released into the atmosphere by an event.Unique on the market escientifically validated.
We have chosen not to stop at the merecalculation but to offer the opportunity to make events sustainable and have a positive impact, identifying projects with high social and environmental value in the area suitable for compensation,collaborating with local institutions, making the event adpositive environmental impact.
Event Green also supports research, allocating part of the investments to support universities by financing scholarships and university courses in environmental sustainability.

Head of Sustainable Initiatives per il Gruppo CNH Industrial.

Maria Lodovica Gullino
Professoressa Ordinaria di Patologia Vegetale dell'Università di Torino e fondatrice di We Tree

Direttore del Dipartimento di Ingegneria per l’Ambiente e il Territorio del Politecnico di Torino.
Comitato Scientifico
La piattaforma Event Green si avvale della stretta collaborazione di un comitato scientifico formato da esperti nel settore della sostenibilità.
Oltre al ruolo di «garante» e certificatore dei progetti, l’obiettivo è anche quello di costruire un raccordo tra università, mondo produttivo, amministrazione pubblica e territorio.
Il Comitato Scientifico è un organo autonomo di Event Green che ha quale compito quello di proporre e validare progetti di riqualificazione, proporre borse di studio e progetti di ricerca in tematiche ambientali da finanziare.