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Event Green is the first environmental compensation project designed exclusively for events.


Our mission is to offer the events sector an innovative tool for the quantification of C02 emissions, allowing to neutralize the environmental impact and to invest in concrete projects of value for the territory, contributing to a Sustainable Future.


Event Green was born from the thirty-year experience of Avvocato Olivetti, former Professor at the Polytechnic of Turin, in the management of major events and of Dr. Lombardo, digital marketing and sustainability communication consultant.


A team of engineers and environmental architects constantly monitors the evolution of events, by reporting the consumption produced by them, updates the Event Green database. The use of the algorithm and the software allows to obtain a margin of error, in relation to the CO2 produced, of less than 0.5%.


Event Green is an innovative start app, born from over 30 years of experience in the world of events of Lawyer Olivetti, former Professor at the Polytechnic of Turin, and Dr. Lombardo, digital marketing consultant specialized in sustainability communication.  


11,372,698 inputs entered


Our team of engineers and environmental managers constantly monitors the evolution of the machine learning system, the analysis of the reporting of consumption produced by events allows the Event Green database to be updated, optimizing its performance.


The use of the algorithm and the software allows us to obtain a margin of error, in relation to the CO2 produced, of less than 0.5%. 

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